Broke My Nail

5 Great Valentines Day Nail Art Ideas (2017 Edition)

Valentines Day Nail Art Ideas

Valentines Day nail look classics are sexy red tones and playful pinks. This year I wanted to introduce more neutral colors and you will see that grey can be playful too. Let's get into my valentines day nail art ideas for 2017!

valentine nails color

I'm not inventing the cycle again, this post is more about the details you can add to a general idea (playful greys in my case). Don't be afraid to add silly, if you say, details. That's what makes a manicure enjoyable and personal.

For these Valentines Day Nail Art Ideas, I will focus on nail designs using CND Shellac. Specifically, the asphalt, Romantique,​ and Red Baroness.

CND Shellac Asphalt

CND Shellac Romantique

CND Shellac Red Baroness

Valentines Day Nail Art Ideas

For the first look I would use half Asphalt, and half Romantique. Use a nail art tool to create the heart from Red Baroness color coat. Remember to use around 3 coats in total for the color coat. The middle has a platinum line between the color change, and the latter has a white stripe.

In case you feel like drawing, there is a nice pen by Sally Hansen you can try. It is water-based, so you can wipe it easily, but it seals with any clear top coat.

If you don't mind adding some fancy details, I would go with sharp platinum lines. It looks modern and very sophisticated. For this purpose, aluminum foil or chrome nail powder is used. I use it to split the colors apart, and to enhance the grey accent nail.

To make your life easier when drawing hearts, you can use a nail stencil like this. To make your life super easy, go with press on nails.

You can play with little hearts in various different colors, because grey allows you to make an accent with any other color. The bigger hearts require you to paint them on yourself.

Striped nail art I love the most. Less is more here. Simple and clean lines. I like leaving half of a nail with a transparent milky color, and the other half full with something bright. I added hearts, like little buttons on a blouse.

You can layer stripes on some angles or make other interesting shapes, like on the next picture. I made a love letter look.​

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